Raylene Walatinna

Ngayuku Ngura – My Country

acrylic on linen
167 x 152 cm

Language: Yankunytjatjara
Art Centre: Iwantja Arts

Raylene Walatinna is one of the most exciting creative voices to emerge in recent decades from the innovative, exuberant and globally acclaimed new wave of First Nations painters working at Iwantja Arts in the rocky desert country of Indulkana Community on the APY Lands.

Walatinna is the daughter of senior Yankunytjatjara artist Betty Chimney, one of the most beloved names in our Eora/Sydney gallery’s stable of represented artists. The mother and daughter duo frequently work together on collaborative paintings, continuing the tradition of older women passing on their important knowledge of Tjukurpa (Anangu cultural stories) and Ngura (Country) to younger women.

Reflecting her mother’s influence on her art practice, this sublime work beautifully evokes the desert’s tones and elemental rhythms in a celebration of her family’s enduring connection to Country and Yankunytjatjara cultural history.


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