Meg Walters

Meg Walters is a painter and ceramicist originally hailing from the sub-tropical island of Bermuda. She received her Foundation Diploma in Fine Art from Chelsea College in London followed by a Bachelor of Arts (Illustration) from Newcastle University, Australia. More recently, she continued her studies at Byron School of Arts in Northern NSW before moving back to Newcastle where she now resides and works. She was awarded the ‘Commended’ award at the Hawkesbury Art Prize in 2023 and has been recognized as a finalist in numerous Art Prizes. She has had eight solo shows across Australia and abroad during her relatively short time practicing as a professional artist.

“With an interest in the metaphysical and the sublime, my paintings aim to explore what is beyond this physical world. Serving as a visual meditation on loss, longing and the inter-connectedness of the human condition, each painting reflects on my own experiences, observations and memories. My dreamscapes merge real and imagined environments, blending them to form an alternate reality. The title of my exhibition is a homage to the 1849 poem ‘A Dream Within a Dream’ by Edgar Allan Poe. All that we see or see is but a dream within a dream.

Similarly to the poem, my work aims to suggest a state where beings exist in a transcendental limbo – a liminal space between worlds that is rarely perceptible. Their narratives are drawn from another realm; an inquiry into my personal involvement with what lies beyond, unseen and largely unexplored. This body of work investigates my relationship to this fantastical place and what it means to be human, now and beyond this physical life.” ~ Meg Walters, 2024



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